Monday, October 29, 2007

Dont smoke in public Shahrukh !

A legal notice was issued by an NGO - National Organisation for Tobacco Eradication for smoking in public against Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan during two recent events.

Shahrukh Khan has been found smoking at two public places i.e., the Twenty20 cricket match in Mumbai and Hindustan Times Summit in Delhi.

"Images of Shahrukh Khan inhaling smoke were shown on Doordarshan channel during the telecast of the Twenty20 cricket match in Mumbai on October 20. The national television channel's telecast of such outrageous images is another act worth condemnation," general secretary Dr. Shekhar Salkar said.

Priof to this incident, Shahrukh was shown with a lighted cigartte in his hand while sitting on the dias during the Hindustan Times summit in Delhi on October 12 and 13.

"A superstar, imitated and adored by millions cannot lend a helping hand to promote smoking," Salkar added.

- Bollywood Gossips

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