Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Malaika Arora Khan - Maxim Mom oozing maximum appeal

Malaika Arora Khan is undoubtedly our industry’s hottest mom who not only oozes style and oomph, but she does it with élan and pride. The lady has many firsts to her credit—the first to perform an item number on a moving train, the first non–model to VJ for a popular music channel and the first model whose stilettos became as big a hit as she was. Now, the latest addition to this list of firsts is being the first mother to appear on the Maxim cover of this month’s edition. Titled ‘Black Velvet’ the photographs show Malaika in black lingerie, striking provocative poses on a couch. The concept of the shoot is by Wendell Rodericks while photographs are snapped by Farroukh Chothia.

- Maxims India

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