Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Suman committed adultery: Husband

"I'm ashamed to have married a woman who's selfish, heartless and manipulative." Producer Bunty Walia is perplexed and extremely annoyed by his wife Suman Rangathan's 'dignified silence' over their breakup.

"What choice does my dear wife have but to remain silent?" he reasons wrily. "Dignified silence would've been great if she was really the victim. Unfortunately I'm the aggrieved party. She's the one who ruined our marriage by having an affair with her trainer.

When I found out, I asked her to get out of sight. The truth is, silence is her only shield. She's the one who left my house, took everything she could lay her hands on. She has been playing the martyr off- screen, having played something quite different on screen."

The interviews that she has been giving are according to Walia, an eyewash. "If she thinks there's dignity in keeping silent, what about more dignity in her demands? Where's the dignity in sending me a lawyer's notice with all those vulgar demands, like 2 lakh rupees per month, a flat in Pali Hill and a car?

Does this sound dignified? She has walked away with everything I bought her during our short marriage, and she has run away with our family jewel, plus my money I had given her for safekeeping….dignity.

If she had been a dignified woman she would've walked away with just her dignity. Why did she come home with packers and pack 24 bags before leaving?"

Going back to the supposed affair with the trainer Bunty cries, "I've overwhelming proof of it. Her itemized phonebill for one month that I have shows she has spoken for 34 hours with this trainer. I also met this trainer, and he has confessed to the affair with my loving wife.

She also had an unhealthy fascination with her cousin. In spite of my warnings she was always meeting him on the sly…Her best friend spilt the beans. And now she denies her best friend's existence because the friend knows all of Suman's doings!"

Reacting to her statement that she's emotionally and physically traumatized Walia says, "If she was traumatized why was she partying one night after leaving my house? Then soon after she did a show in Delhi.

And if she's traumatized how does she have the strength to go house-hunting in Mumbai while her secretary is looking for work on her behalf? Today if I'm talking it's because I've the guts to be honest. I'm not hiding behind a dignified silence."

Says the irate husband. "Love isn't part of her sensibility as a human being. Today I'm being told details about her past which is five times more than what she had told me when we got married.I feel if you can't abide by the married vows you shouldn't get married.

By doing so you destroy friend family and morale. Suman has made a mockery of the institution of marriage. It'll be very difficult for me to get married again. I got married because I was past 40 and wanted to start a family.

Looking at her track -record it seems it's impossible for her to have a relationship for more than 6-8 months. I was willing to start afresh with her. She claimed to love me so much …I was blind to her past. I hadn't seen any of her movies.

Today my friends are telling me to go and see her in Market and Sauda. The film industry knew more about her than I did when we get married."

Walia goes into a flashback. "I met her last year in May. We met at Enigma. I soon proposed to her. Problems soon started. In February I could sense a change in her. I made serious efforts to make sure our marriage didn't break.

I took her to the Zee Awards in Malaysia hoping the break would do our marriage good. But on 24 April I got a shock when I saw her phone bills and found out about her connectivity with the trainer…"

The spurned husband gets philosophical. "Love should be like an energy booster. Not something that makes you feel ashamed and betrayed. That's how I feel right now. I'm a happy -go -lucky guy and I believe in destiny. I'm sure love will happen again and erase this ugly chapter from my life."

Now Walia is determined to not part with his money. "I'm not squandering away a single penny of my hard-earned money especially to someone who betrayed me. She's going to get something out of me only over my dead body."

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