Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sanjay Dutt shifted to Yeravada Central Jail in Pune

Sanjay Dutt has been shifted to Yeravada Central Jail in Pune on Thursday night. Dutt was sentenced for 6 years rigorous imprisonment. Yerwada Jail is on the outskirts of the city, where Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned during freedom struggle days.

Dutt was taken to the Arthur Road Jail immediately after the verdict two days back, but authorities submitted a report that cited several reasons why he could not be kept at Arthur Road Jail. He was shifted to the Yeravada Jail in Pune from Mumbai under tight security after he withdrew his application to be kept in a prison in the state capital.

According to the jail official, Dutt will be in a separate high-security egg-shaped cell. He went through a medical check-up soon after his arrival. Home food will not be provided to him and he has to wear prisoner's clothes.

By IndiaFM News Bureau

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